Innovation must be planned and structured! That's why we have a team of forward-thinking professionals with one goal in mind : to take your company to the next level. Your ideas and visions will be developed and put into production by a passionate team looking to optimize your project technologies with innovative solutions. Rest assured, our insatiable curiosity and our ambition drive us to succed, nothing less!
In a world of distributed knowledge, companies can create more value and better leverage their research and development by integrating knowledge from external sources and vice versa. Innovating and pushing the boundaries of inventiveness requires a rather increasingly complex understanding and an interdisciplinary approach that touches on various disciplines, fields of study, and sciences. This interdisciplinary mindset is at the heart of the Open Innovation Model.
To apply this model we've adapted the structure of our company and built an interdisciplinary team that adapts quickly and easily nitegrates the diverse contexts and realities experienced by our clients. In addition to our experienced team, we have an extensive network of experts in leading scientific fields. This winning recipe allows us to cover a wide and varied of expertise.
Introduction to the technological innovation process
Analysis of a technological innovation project
Implementing innovation within the company
The execution of a technological innovation project
Deployment of the technological innovation project